MRV Moves Advisory Committee Charette

The MRV Moves Advisory Committee got together with the consultant team for a planning charette focused on generating new alternatives and ideas for the Active Transportation Network in the Mad River Valley. During the charette, we reviewed the survey results and existing conditions information, and had a group discussion and mapping exercise around the following core areas of the plan: 1) Trails and Multi-Use Paths, 2) On-Road Facilities and Sidewalks, 3) Village Centers, 4) Safe Routes to School, and 5) Wayfinding.



This input, along with the results of the community survey and our other community engagement initiatives, will allow the consultant team to develop draft alternatives that will be further reviewed by the Advisory Committee on Jan 28th and by the public at our next public meeting on February 11th.

While in the Mad River Valley, representatives from SE Group were also able to give a presentation of the MRV Moves Plan, its goals and status at the Mad River Valley Town Leadership Meeting.